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Team-buildingy pre firmy 2023

Nastal čas odmeniť Vašich zamestnancov, utužiť vzťahy v kolektíve alebo darovať motivačný pobyt. V nasledujúcom článku Vám ponúkame niekoľko zaujímavých team buildingov, ktoré v Taliansku bežne realizujeme už niekoľko rokov, no máme pre Vás pripravené aj novinky 2023. 1. Aktivity v Toskánsku Toskánsko ponúka veľké množstvo možností pre realizáciu jedinečných, zážitkových teambuildingov a motivačných pobytov. Náš región má všetko: hory, more, vidiek, kopce. S pomocou miestneho plánovača udalostí je ľahké vypracovať každý detail v krátkom čase. Náš tím ponúka široké portfólio destinácií, ubytovania a aktivít, aby ste si lepšie užili čas v Toskánsku a posilnili vzťahy medzi všetkými členmi tímu. Divoká a bujná stredomorská vegetácia nášho regiónu je ideálnym prostredím pre outdoorové aktivity. Príklad? Požiadajte svoj tím, aby nechal svoje obleky doma, obliekol si tenisky a tričká, zabudli na hierarchiu kancelárie a navzájom sa vyzývali pri hľadaní pokladu v toskánskych kopcoch na vespách! Obohatíme ju zastávkou vo vínnej haciende.Po návrate usporiadame relaxačnú...

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Love Gifts

"Darčeky lásky" na Valentína a nie len, späté s krajinou, ktorú milujete: Taliansko! V nádhernom srdci Toskánska, kde sa stretáva elegancia, romantika a neopakovateľný šarm, sme pre vás pripravili zážitok, ktorý osloví všetky vaše zmysly. Doprajte si dokonalý únik z každodennosti a zároveň sa ponoríte do sveta relaxácie a pôžitku v exkluzívnej súkromnej jaskyni. Čokoládový pobyt v Toskánsku • Prenocovanie v Toskánskom 4* rezorte na 1 noc (možnosť predĺžiť si pobyt) s raňajkami Romantický čokodádový rituál v jaskyni lásky v EXKLUZIVITE len pre Vás: • Prípitok v luxusnej vani s vynikajúcim Prosecom • Hydromasážna vaňa s chromoterapiou • Parný kúpeľ s esenciami Toskánska • Oddychový moment sprevádzaný bylinnými čajmi (Exkluzívna SPA skúsenosť – 90 minút) • Romantická jaskyňa s čokoládovým rituálom • Romantický krb, ktorý dodá vášmu večeru neopakovateľnú atmosféru • Horúca čokoláda a čerstvé ovocie priamo pri vani • Hydromasážna vaňa s chromoterapiou • Dve masáže s čokoládovými sviečkami (25 minút pre ňu a pre neho) Cena: 275€/ osoba Večera v preslávenej reštaurácii OSTERIA FRANCESCANA Osteria...

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New tours from the Villa Vivaio estates

The sun rays of spring are slowly coming to Tuscany. Many of you have already booked a stay in our cozy estate in the Chianti wine region. In addition to the traditional programs, we also offer you some news that you may not have known about yet. Slnečné lúče jari už pomaly prichádzajú do Toskánska. Mnohí z Vás si už rezervovali pobyt v našej útulnej usadlosti vo vínnej oblasti Chianti Classico. Okrem tradičných programov, Vám ponúkame aj zopár noviniek, o ktorých ste možno ešte nevedeli. Who is our new neighbor? The famous butcher Dário Cecchini, who attracts gourmets from all over the world with his creative meat products, bought a property that you can directly look at from Vivaio. Our new neighbor, to whom our guests regularly go for steak tasting, is, according to the New York times, the most famous butcher in the world. Slávny mäsiar Dário Cecchini, ktorý svojími kreatívnymi mäsovými...

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Christmas time in Tuscany!

Once again, there is that unique atmosphere when we enjoy the glittering city lights, fragrant Christmas markets and magical atmosphere. From our property you can travel to Florence (1 hour) which is proud of the huge Christmas tree on the "Piazza del Duomo" and international market. You can visit also medieval Siena (40 minutes), San Gimignano town (30 minutes) or try Chianti wine in a typical cellar (15 minutes). For those who want to warm themselves by the fireplace in an authentic villa and enjoy Christmas the Tuscan way, we offer the rental of the property at the Christmas price and last minutes price with a 40% discount! Opäť je tu tá jedinečná atmosféra, keď sa vyžívame v trblietavom osvetlení miest, užívame si voňavé vianočné trhy a čarovnú atmosféru Vianoc. Z našej nehnuteľnosti môžete vycestovať do Florencie (1 hodina), ktorá sa pýši obrovským, ikonickým vianočným stromčekom na námestí "Piazza...

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Team-building on a yacht in Tuscany

Even if is Tuscany in our imagination connected with picturesque villages in an amazing natural scenery, its coastal area is not to be missed. So what about to combine the both of experiences? An ideal alternative for a summer stay in Tuscany … Sailing can be a form of reward for co-workers and business partners, but also motivation for the future combined with original and unique experiences. We will be happy to prepare group activities for the development of relationships in the team, or sightseeing tours in the most beautiful seaside places such as: Portofino, Porto Venere, Monte Rosso, Viareggio and more. We also rent yachts for groups of friends who would like to enrich their summer vacation with a cruise. Hotel: We are delighted to offer flexible stays in selected rooms at many of our partner 4**** hotels or private villas by the sea. Transfer: Our skilled drivers are available for private tours and services during your stay...

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Experience is the most beautiful gift you can give to a loved one. An exceptional evening at the most famous theater in the world, LA SCALA, is an event that no one will ever forget … ITINERARY: 2 nights in elegant, 4-5 stars central hotel in MilanEvening one: Opera performance la ScalaEvening two: Romantic dinner in panoramic restaurant Opera 2022: The queen of spades, TchaikovskyMacbath, Giuseppe VerdiDon Giovanni, Mozart Rigoletto, Giuseppe VerdiA Masked Ball, G. Verdi Dates: The queen of spades, Tchaikovsky From 23. February to 15 March 2022 Don Giovanni: From 27. March to 12 April 2022 Masked Ball: 4 - 22. May 2022 Rigoletto: From 22. June - 14. June 2022 We will be happy to send you other theatrical performances by e-mail: PRICES: Discover our La Scala Packages: La Scala standart: from 200€/ p.p La Scala gold: from 500€/ p.p La Scala diamond: from 900€/ p.p The "Standart" package includes a ticket to one of the performances at the La Scala Theater. Visibility of the performance by...

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CARNIVAL WEEKEND 5-STAR HOTEL HILTON MOLINO STUCKY VENICE "SECRET" MASQUARADE GOURMET DINNER ROOFTOP AFTERPARTY WINE TASTING VIP TICKET: A GREAT EVENING "BALLO DEL DOGE" A special invitation to an event that Venice has been waiting for for two years. Carnival time is here. Music, parades, costumes and unique atmosphere in the most romantic city is waiting for you. Come and experience the extraordinary atmosphere, which we will enhance with a PRIVATE SECRET DINNER in the space of the former mill, now a luxurious, 5-star Hilton hotel located on the Venetian island of Giudecca. Dates: 25 - 27 of February 2022 About: Carnival paradeGreat atmosphereElegant gourmet dinner in masqueradeRelax in the wellness and heated saunaVenetian wine and food tasting 25.2 "The Secret Dinner" A somewhat unconventional dinner that fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the Venice Carnival festivities. Would you like to join? The game takes place in...

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Pavarotti Art & Gourmet

WINE CHATEAUX IN TUSCANY | SOMMELIERE COURSE | MEAT AND SALUMI SPECIALITIES TASTING | PAVAROTTI ART AND GOURMET EXPERIENCE | ENZO FERRARI LIFE PATH TOUR FERRARI TEST DRIVE VINEGAR FACTORY SEASONAL SPECIALTIES TASTING "Come with us into the world of music, italian culture and aromas of traditional dishes and culinary specialties". ADVANTAGES: Program that you will not find anywhere else5 fantastic days in three major italian citiesSmall group (max. 6 people, but upon agreement also for a larger number)Private chauffeur and concierge on the board Gift idea Luciano Pavarotti was a great gourmet but also an excellent chef. This is also visible in the huge and fully equipped kitchen in his villa, which we will visit. He loved "lambrusco" wine and cooked meat "il bollito", served with spicy fruit "mostarda". You can taste his favorite specialty "risotto venere" with a leaf of real gold in his restaurant. ACCOMMODATION: Florence (2 nights) Private...

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WEEKEND V MILÁNE “Diabol nosì Pradu”

Tri dni v očarujúcej metropole módy! ARMANI APERITÍV PROSECCO JAZDA V LIMUZÍNE PRAVÁ MILÁNSKA PÁRTY FASHION KAVIARNE: Prada, D&G, Dior, BVLGARI OUTLETY VIANOČNÝ SHOPPING ARMANI POOL PARTY VO WELLNESSE DÁTUMY 26.11 – 28.11. 20213.12 – 5.12. 2021 UBYTOVANIE Hotel Hilton****s raňajkami a taxou v 2-lôžkovej izbe standart alebo superior pre dve osoby Druhá možnosť: ARMANI LUXURY HOTEL *****s raňajkami a taxou v 2-lôžkovej Junior Suite (za príplatok niššie). Program 1.Deň Prílet klientov o 14:25 na letisko Milano Malpensa, kde Vás bude čakať Váš súkromný šofér a concierge k dispozícii. Po ceste sa ubytujete vo Vašom hoteli. Poobede si klienti hotela Armani môžu užiť exkluzívnu ARMANI POOL PARTY vo wellnesse so šampanským a výhľadom na mesto, ktoré bude rezervované len pre Vás. Hostia Hiltonu si naopak, vychutnajú panoramatickú terasu roof-top baru. Po oddychu sa všetci pripravíme na zoznamovacie aperitívo v Armani reštaurácii s milánskymi degustačnými finger foods, drinkami a hudbou. *Pool...

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